Détail de l'auteur
Auteur G. Gouesbet |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (4)

G. Gouesbet ; A. Berlement | 1999A review of the work carried out during the last two decades by a group in Rouen, on Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches for predicting the behaviour of discrete particles in turbulent flows, is presented. The opportunity of this review is taken [...]![]()
A. Berlemont ; M. Grancher ; G. Gouesbet | 1995A Lagrangian approach is developed for droplet vaporization in turbulent fields, with two-way coupling between phases. Specific source terms induced by phase changes are described and results are presented for methyl alcohol droplet vaporization[...]![]()
A. Picart ; A. Berlemont ; G. Gouesbet | 1986