Lyon Villeurbanne
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T. Suzuki ; M. Okada ; Selected Proceedings of the 1st International Specialized Conference, Shirahama, Japan, 5-8 November 1996 (1996; JAP) | Pergamon Press | 1996Adsorption is one of the most important phenomena in the water environment and is central to many treatment processes: toxic substances accumulate on surfaces such as suspended solids and sediments; organics, bacteria and viruses adsorb onto bio[...]congrès/colloque
L. Bonomo ; C. Nurizzo ; POLITECNICO DE MILANO ITA ; R. Mujeriego ; UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE CATALUNA BARCELONA ESP ; T. Asano ; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS USA ; INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION ON WATER QUALITY ; International conference on advanced wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse, Milan, ITA, 14-16 september 1998 (1998; ITA) | 1999These proceedings comprise 55 selected papers from the International Conference on advanced wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse. The range of technologies includes: advanced physico-chemical treatment; advanced biological treatment, includ[...]congrès/colloque
J. Paula ; A. Flores ; UNIVERSITY OF LISBON PRT ; C. Fransen ; NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LEIDEN NLD ; 7th colloquium crustacea decapoda mediterranea, Lisbon, PRT, 6-9 september 1999 (1999; PRT) | 2001Advances in decapod crustacean research.congrès/colloque
S. Amaral ; D. Mathur ; AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY ; E. Taft ; Fourth fisheries bioengineering symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 19-22 August 2002 (2002; USA) | Bethesda, Maryland, USA : American Fisheries Society | Symposium 61 | 2008Authors who are leaders in their field examine a wide range of new research associated with fish passage (upstream and downstream), water intake fish protection technologies, sampling technologies, and techniques for assessing fishway performanc[...]congrès/colloque
J. Lagardère ; M. Begout Anras ; CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FRA) ; G. Claireaux ; IFREMER ; 2nd conference on fish telemetry in Europe, La Rochelle,France, 5-9 april 1997 (1997; FRA) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Developments in hydrobiology DH 130 | 1998The aim of this conference was to facilitate exchange between groups of researchers working on different compartments of marine or freshwater ecosystems and sharing telemetry techniques as investigating tools. This kind of conference also allows[...]congrès/colloque
S. Jenkins ; Proceedings of the 4 th international conference, Prague, 1969 (1969; CSK) | Oxford, GBR : Pergamon Press | 1969Parmi les sujets abordés, le chapitre 1 présente l'autoépuration des cours d'eau aménagés, des méthodes de prévision de l'importance de la pollution et l'oxygéne dissous. En matiere de controle de pollution,le chapitre 2 traite de l'épuration de[...]congrès/colloque
A. Herth ; 1ères rencontres parlementaires sur l'agriculture durable, Paris, France, 19 décembre 2005 (2005; FRA) | Altedia M&M Conseil | 2006L'agriculture française se trouve aujourd'hui confrontée à de nombreux défis : maintenir son rang de première puissance européenne, répondre aux attentes de la société en matière de sécurité et de qualité des denrées, assurer l'indépendance alim[...]congrès/colloque