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R. Rolland ; M. Gilbertson ; R. Peterson ; Proceedings from a session at the Wingspread conference center, Racine, 21-23 july 2005 (2005; USA) | USA : SETAC Press | 1997A particular emphasis was placed upon the effects of chemicals during early developmental stages , a period of enhanced sensitivity to the effects of chemicals at lower, environmentally relevant concentrations. A concern for the effects that che[...]![]()
K. Munkittrick ; M. Mac Master ; G. Van Der kraak ; C. Portt ; W. Gibbons ; A. Farwell ; M. Gray | USA : SETAC Press | 2000It is important to be able to assess the impacts of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems. Although there is now a regulatory requirement in Canada to conduct cumulative effects assessments, there are no widely accepted techniques for accompl[...]![]()
Ecolgical risk assessment decision-support sysrem: A conceptual design explores the feasibility, efficacy, and potential design of an ecological risk assessment decision-support system (ERADSS) for use by risk assessors and risk managers. This 1[...]![]()
This is the proceedings of a multiorganization-sponsored conference held in San Diego, California. This conference offered scientists, regulators, and risk managers an opportunity to help define ecological risk assessment guidelines based scient[...]![]()
G. Biddinger ; T. Dillon ; C. Ingersoll ; Proceedings of a Pellston workshop , Pacific Grove, California, 23-28 Avril 1995 (1995; USA) | USA : SETAC Press | 1997SETAC is pleased to present Ecological risk assessment of contaminated sediments, the proceedings of a Pellston workshop held 23-28 April 1995 at Pacific Grove, California. Although sediment toxicity/bioaccumulation testing and environmental ris[...]![]()
J. Carey ; P. Cook ; J. Giesy ; P. Hodson ; D. Muir ; J. Owens ; K. Solomon | USA : SETAC Press | 1998How has human activity and the use of organochlorines affected the environment? Ecotoxicological risk assessment of the chlorinated organic chemicals, proceedings from the SETAC-sponsored Pellston workshop on environmental risk assessment of org[...]![]()
Endocrine disruption in wildlife has emerged as a sognificant factor in scientific debate about environmental policy. Using a risk-based approach, Principles and processes for evaluating endocrine disruption in wildlife provides state-of-the-art[...]![]()
How do you measure in an ecological risk assessment? Uncertainty analysis in ecological risk assessment presents concensus from a SETAC Pellston workshop on Uncertainty analysis in ecological risk assessment held in Pellston, Michigan. The works[...]