Titre :
Within-tree vertical pattern in Bactrocera oleae Gmel (Dipt., Tephritidae) infestations and optimization of insecticide applications
Auteurs :
N. Gaouar ;
D. Debouzie
Type de document :
Année de publication :
Format :
= Anglais
Repartition verticale
Bactrocera oleae
Arbre fruitier
Résumé :
The vertical pattern in olive fruit fly infestations was studied in the Tlemcen region (western part of Algeria) in 1990. The infestation rate of olives, measured by punctures, eggs, larvae, exit holes and pupae, was always higher in the lowest stratum (up to 2 m) than in the upper (3 m), the middle stratum being infested at an intermediate level. Differences were largest in October. In 1992 this result was used by spraying insecticide in an orchard half as intensely in the two higher strata as in the lower stratum. This led to relatively good protection in comparison with unsprayed orchard.
Source :
Journal of Applied Entomology - Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Entomologie - 0931-2048, vol. 119, n° 3