Titre : | Water activity: A new tool for moisture management of seedlots in tree seed centres |
Titre original: | La mesure de l'activité de l'eau : un nouvel outil pour la gestion des lots de semences en sécheries de graines |
Auteurs : | F. Colas ; P. Baldet ; MINISTERE DES RESSOURCES NATURELLES ET DE LA FAUNE DIRECTION DE LA RECHERCHE FORESTIERE QUEBEC CAN ; M. Bettez ; CEMAGREF NOGENT SUR VERNISSON EFNO ; MINISTERE DES RESSOURCES NATURELLES ET DE LA FAUNE CENTRE DE SEMENCES FORESTIERES DE BERTHIER QUEBEC CAN ; Congrès conjoint de l'International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) et de l'Association Canadienne des Améliorateurs des Arbres Forestiers (ACAA), L'adaptation, l'amélioration et la conservation à l'ère de la génomique forestière et des cha (2008; CAN) |
Type de document : | article/chapitre/communication |
Editeur : | Québec, Canada : Association canadienne pour l'amélioration des arbres (ACAA), 2008 |
Format : | p. 51 |
Note générale : | Diffusion tous publics |
Langues: | = Anglais |
Résumé : | Measurement of water activity (Aw) is a concept developed, and mainly used, by food-processing and pharmaceutical industries. Contrary to gravimetric moisture (MC) content that quantifies the total amount of water in a product, Aw qualifies the intensity of the connections between water and other molecules (such as lipids, carbohydrates or proteins) and, therefore illustrates water availability and mobility in the substance. Aw has three main operational advantages: rapid measurement (less than 20 minutes per sample); non-destructive testing, making it very interesting for use with rare or valuable samples such as pollen or seeds from specific crossings or ex-situ genetic resource conservation; ease of use, requiring little training. In 2007, the DRF (MRNF, Québec) decided to adopt the method developed by Cemagref (France). The work began with black spruce (Picea mariana) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana), the two most important species in the Québec reforestation program. To date, our results follow the same pattern as those obtained in France. An optimal Aw is determined for each species which will be used to optimize seed processing in tree seed centres. Depending on the seedlot, a given Aw may result in different MC because of the variability in seedlot traits like maturity, origin or crop year. Managing seedlots with Aw makes moisture management non sensitive to genetic, and consequently phenotypic, diversity which is of a great interest for conservation purposes. |
Source : | L'adaptation, l'amélioration et la conservation à l'ère de la génomique forestière et des changements environnementaux : Congrès conjoint de l'IUFRO et de l'ACAA |
En ligne : | http://www.iufro-ctia2008.ca/fileadmin/Documents/IUFRO-CTIA_2008_Program.pdf |
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