Résumé :
Until the end of the 19th century, many European forests were characterised by devastation and soil deterioration, which caused fears of timber shortage. In order to counteract possible shortage, many forest areas were reforested with coniferous tree species, especially Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.). Consequently, even-aged coniferous forests (often Norway spruce forests) were established on many sites naturally dominated by broadleaves. As a result, damages caused by storm, snow, ice, drought, insects, fungi and possibly soil degradation seem to occur more frequently in these secondary Norway spruce forests than in forests consisting of species with better site-adaptation. Conversion of Norway spruce stands may reduce these risks and upgrade biodiversity and the genetic potential of forests. As the economic results of forestry, future wood markets and various other goods and services, that forest ecosystems provide to society, are affected by present and future decision making, all aspects of conversion must be well understood. EFI's Regional Project Centre, RPC-CONFOREST, is continuously striving to improve implementation of conversion projects by consolidation of expertise available in all forestry disciplines. This book comprises findings in various conversion-related areas aiming to consider ecosystem needs while ensuring availability of silvicultural methods and operational feasibility of their implementation. At the same time, the cost-effectiveness of conversion scenarios is analysed by forestry economists. Since a change in public perception and ecological awareness may cause policy makers to promote or discourage conversion efforts, input by experts in forest policy is also provided.