Résumé :
A survey of the status of private forestry and forestry extension in several CEE countries was conducted as a first step to identifying needs, trends and in developing appropriate capacities for forestry extension. Initially, countries were contacted as a result of their participation in the FAO Committee on Forestry (COFO) Meeting of March 1995. Later, other countries became interested in participating and provided data. It should be noted that the countries covered in this report were not necessarily chosen to reflect a range of biophysical or socio-economic conditions and be a "representative sample". However it is felt that their experience is of interest to a range of other countries in the area and outside. A simple questionnaire (see Annex 1) was designed and sent to officials responsible for forestry in the selected countries. Completed questionnaires were received from nine countries (Armenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia). This information was analysed and discussed with resource people from the region and was complemented by bibliographic research. In some cases, information for other countries in Europe, notably France and the former Federal Republic of Germany, has been provided for general comparison and reference. This document is divided into two main sections. Section I provides a comparative overview of the evolution of private forestry and the needs and approaches for forestry extension within selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Section II contains the country profiles on forestry extension for seven countries in the region.