Résumé :
Cet ouvrage est issu de l'atelier organisé par le GDR Cassini. Il présente les contribution originales d'une vingtaine de spécialistes mondiaux de la qualité dans l'information géographique. Sommaire : Error propagation in spatial analysis for the evaluation of the traffic noise - Mounir Azouzi ; A fuzzy constraint approach for handling uncertainty in regional soil maps - D. Cazemier, P. Lagacherie and R. Martin-Clouaire ; The propagation of boundary uncertainty from maps to models - Geoffrey Edwards, Michelle Fortin, Keith P.B. Thomson, Eric Aubert and Kim E. Lowell ; Applying Data Mining Techniques to Generate Quality Information from Geographical Databases - Sami Faiz, Karim Abbassi, Patrice Boursier ; Improving Error Models for Digital Elevation Models - Peter Fisher ; Metamodels for data quality description - Andrew U. Frank Building a geospatial data framework - finding the "best available" data - Stephen C. Guptill ; Quality needs more than Standards - Francis Harvey ; Geometric Quality Issues In Cadastral Map Renovation - Martin Salzmann and Auke Hoekstra ; Using spatial constraints as redundancy information to improve geographical knowledge - Robert Jeansoulin ; A 3-Part Approach to Geographic Data Quality Assurance - David Lanter ; Using GIS-Based Sensitivity Analysis to Study the Affects of Data Quality and Model Specification on Environmental Decision-Making - Susanna McMaster ; The fuzzy spatial extent of objects identified with remote sensing and photointerpretation - Martien Molenaar Spatial Database Inconsistency Checking and Correcting - A. Puricelli, S. Servigne, T. Ubeda, R. Laurini ; Statistical representation of relative positional uncertaintly for geographical linear features - François Vauglin ; Activating Scale-based Uncertainty in Digital Elevation Models - Joseph Wood ; Is there still a need to improve address quality ? - António Morais Arnaud
This book is a follow-up from the CASSINI International Workshop, held in Paris in april 1997. Most of the talks given by the attendees were then revised and written down to form the material for its chapters. Various applications are used to illustrate the effects of data quality management on the general assessment of spatial analysis (the overall amplitude of the variables, spatial extension, spatial location of extremas, cost and decision-making aspects). Among these applications are : hydrology, pedology, digital terrain models and viewsheds, cadastre renovation, urban data updating (building areas), postal adresses, etc.