Titre :
Ucinnost nekterych insekticidu proti klopusce svetle (Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze))
Titre original:
Effectiveness of some insecticides on alfalfa plant bug (Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goezel))
Auteurs :
J. Rotrekl
Type de document :
Année de publication :
Format :
Adelphocoris lineolatus
Résumé :
Results of laboratory tests, in which the effect of some insecticides on alfalfa plant bug was studied, are summarized in this publication. In next years effective preparations will be tested in fields trials. The following insecticides were applied : systemic organophosphate Phosdrin E 24, organophosphate with deep effect Soldep and Zolone 35, carbamate Lannate 90 WP, Thiodan from the group of chlorinated hydrocarbons and chlorinated camphene Melipax. All preparations mentionned above except Zolone 35 had a very good effect against alfalfa plant bug. Phosdrin E 24 and Lannate 90 WP had the fastest effect, Zolonz 35 and Melipax the slowest one. Results show that Zolone 35 has to be further tested in field trials. Phosdrin E 24 and Thiodan will be tested at the suficient lower concentration (0,8 l. per hectar and 1 l. per hectar).
Source :
Ochrana rostlin, vol. 45, n° 3