Résumé :
Biodegradation of BTEX by a microbial consortium isolated from a closed municipal landfill was studied using respirometric techniques. The kinetics of biodegradation were estimated from experimental oxygen uptake data using a nonlinear parameter estimation technique. All of the six compounds were rapidly degraded by the microbial culture and no substrate inhibition was observed at the concentration levels examined (200 mg L-1 as COD). Microbial growth and contaminant degradation were adequately described by the Monod equation. Considerable differences were observed in the rates of BTEX biodegradation as seen from the estimates of the kinetic parameters. A three-fold variation was seen in the values of the maximum specific growth rate, mu(max). The highest value of mu(max) was 0.389 h(-1) for p-xylene while o-xylene was characterized by a mu(max) value of 0.14 h(-1), the lowest observed in this study. The half saturation coefficient, K-s, and the yield coefficient, Y, varied between 1.288-4.681 mg L-1 and 0.272-0.645 mg mg(-1), respectively. Benzene and o-xylene exhibited higher resistance to biodegradation while toluene and p-xylene were rapidly degraded. Ethylbenzene and m-xylene were degraded at intermediate rates, In biodegradation experiments with a multiple substrate matrix, substrate depletion was slower than in single substrate experiments, suggesting an inhibitory nature of substrate interaction.