Résumé :
Chapter 1: Why Old Fields? Socioeconomic and Ecological Causes and Consequences of Land Abandonment PART 1: Old Fields and the Development of Ecological Concepts Chapter 2: Old Field Succession: Development of Concepts Chapter 3: Old Fields as Complex Systems: New Concepts for Describing the Dynamics of Abandoned Farmland PART 2: Case Studies from Around the World Chapter 4: Implications of Land Use History for Natural Forest Regeneration and Restoration Strategies in Puerto Rico Chapter 5: Processes Affecting Succession in Old Fields of Brazilian Amazonia Chapter 6: Old Field Vegetation Succession in the Neotropics Chapter 7: Patterns and Processes of Old Field Reforestation in Australian Rain Forest Landscapes Chapter 8: Succession on the Piedmont of New Jersey and Its Implications for Ecological Restoration Chapter 9: Succession and Restoration in Michigan Old Field Communities Chapter 10: Old Field Succession in Central Europe: Local and Regional Patterns Chapter 11: Dynamics and Restoration of Abandoned Farmland and Other Old Fields in Southern France Chapter 12: Land Abandonment and Old Field Dynamics in Greece Chapter 13: Old Field Dynamics on the Dry Side of the Mediterranean Basin: Patterns and Processes in Semiarid Southeast Spain Chapter 14: Restoration of Old Fields in Renosterveld: A Case Study in a Mediterranean-type Shrubland of South Africa Chapter 15: Prospects for the Recovery of Native Vegetation in Western Australian Old Fields PART 3: Synthesis: Old Field Dynamics and Restoration Chapter 16: Old Field Dynamics: Regional and Local Differences, and Lessons for Ecology and Restoration