Résumé :
Description: BOITE 1 - Convention INRA/Cemagref « Amélioration de la qualité des plants forestiers et des reboisements méditerranéens », 1994. - Financement du programme européen MYCOMED, 1991/1998. - Transparents MYCOMED des réunions pépinières, boisement, mycorrhizes. - Courrier 1996/1998. - Mesures et dosages en laboratoire et sur le terrain concernant le pin laricio de Corse et le pin pignon, étude mycorrhize, 1995. BOITE 2 - Mesures, dosages et contrôle en laboratoire et sur le terrain concernant le pin laricio de Corse et le pin pignon, la photosynthèse, 1996. - Mesures, dosages, matière sèche en laboratoire et sur le terrain concernant le chêne liège, le pin d'Alep, le pin pignon, la biomasse totale, 1997. - Rapports MYCOMED globaux ou spéciaux hors Cemagref : 1 - Proposal to the european programme agriculture and agro-industry including fisheries (AAIR) for a shared-cost RTD project, forestry proposal MYCOMED on Improvement of the quality of forest seedlings and MEDiterranean reforestation using controlled MYCOrrhizal infection, presented by INRA MONTPELLIER, Cemagref AIX EN PROVENCE, GAEC ALPES PROVENCE, IRTA CABRILS, UNIVERSITAD MURCIA, UNIVERSITA TORINO, FORESTAL CATALANA, impresa LAZZAROTTO, coordinated INRA/ENSA MONTPELLIER par D. Mousain, 1991/1994. 2 - Improvement of the quality of forest seedlings (Pinus pinea, Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra subsp. Laricio, Quercus suber) and MEDiterranean reforestation using controlled MYCOrrhizal infection (MYCOMED), contrat no AIR2-CT94-1149, contractors : INRA MONTPELLIER, Cemagref AIX EN PROVENCE, GAEC ALPES PROVENCE, IRTA CABRILS, UNIVERSITAD MURCIA, UNIVERSITA TORINO, FORESTAL CATALANA, reporting period : 01.10.94 to 30.09.95, first annual individual reports. 3 - Improvement of the quality of forest seedlings (Pinus pinea, Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra subsp. Laricio, Quercus suber) and MEDiterranean reforestation using controlled MYCOrrhizal infection (MYCOMED), contrat no AIR2-CT94-1149, contractors : INRA MONTPELLIER, Cemagref AIX EN PROVENCE, GAEC ALPES PROVENCE, IRTA CABRILS, UNIVERSITAD MURCIA, UNIVERSITA TORINO, FORESTAL CATALANA, reporting period : 01.10.94 to 30.09.95, first annual consolidated report. 4 - Improvement of the quality of forest seedlings (Pinus pinea, Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra subsp. Laricio, Quercus suber) and MEDiterranean reforestation using controlled MYCOrrhizal infection (MYCOMED), contrat no AIR2-CT94-1149, contractors : INRA MONTPELLIER by D. Mousain, C, Plassard, S. Roussos, B. Brunel, K. El Karkouri, C. Conjeaud, A. Guerin-Laguette, H. Boukcim, et Al., reporting period : 01.10.95 to 30.09.96, second annual progress report. 5 - Improvement of the quality of forest seedlings (Pinus pinea, Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra subsp. Laricio, Quercus suber) and MEDiterranean reforestation using controlled MYCOrrhizal infection (MYCOMED), contrat no AIR2-CT94-1149, contractors : INRA MONTPELLIER, Cemagref AIX EN PROVENCE, GAEC ALPES PROVENCE, IRTA CABRILS, UNIVERSITAD MURCIA, UNIVERSITA TORINO, FORESTAL CATALANA, reporting period : 01.10.95 to 30.09.96, second annual consolidated report. BOITE 3 6 - European commission, Directorate general XII science, research and developpement directorate life science and technologies division Agro-industrial research DG XII-E-2, contract AIR 2 CT 94-1149, starting date : 01.10.94, duration : 36 month, Improvement of the quality of forest seedlings (Pinus pinea, Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra subsp. Laricio, Quercus suber) and MEDiterranean reforestation using controlled MYCOrrhizal infection (MYCOMED) by A. Arabatzis SDME 2-22, EC DG XII E 2, division Agro-industrial research, first brief progress report 01.10.94 to 31.03.95. 7 - Improvement of the quality of forest seedlings (Pinus pinea, Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra subsp. Laricio, Quercus suber) and MEDiterranean reforestation using controlled MYCOrrhizal infection (MYCOMED), contrat no AIR2-CT94-1149, contractors, participant number L1A, INRA et ORSTOM MONTPELLIER D. Mousain, C, Plassard, S. Roussos, B. Brunel, K. El Karkouri, C. Conjeaud, A. Guerin-Laguette, H. Boukcim, A. Gobert, A. de Araujo, L. Hannibal, C.Bonnin, L. Mauré, S. Conventi, G. Ruiz, reporting period : 01.10.96 to 31.03.98, final progress report. 8 - Improvement of the quality of forest seedlings (Pinus pinea, Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra subsp. Laricio, Quercus suber) and MEDiterranean reforestation using controlled MYCOrrhizal infection (MYCOMED), contract number AIR2 CT94 1149, contractors : INRA MONTPELLIER, Cemagref AIX EN PROVENCE, EARK ST LAURENT DU CROS, IRTA CABRIL, UNIVERSITAD MURCIA, UNIVERSITA TORINO, FORESTAL CATALANA, reporting period : 01.10.96 to 31.03.98, final consolidated report. - Rapports d'étapes MYCOMED spéciaux Cemagref : 1 - Commission of the european communities directorate general XII : sciences, research and development, shared-costs research contract TECHNICAL ANNEX PL 921149, Improvement of the quality of forest seedlings (Pinus pinea, Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra subsp. Laricio, Quercus suber) and MEDiterranean reforestation using controlled MYCOrrhizal infection, participant number L2 : Cemagref AIX-EN-PROVENCE by C. Argillier et J.J. Tolron, reporting period : 01.10.95 to 31.03.96, second annual progress report. 2 - Commission of the european communities directorate general XII : sciences, research and development, shared-costs research contract TECHNICAL ANNEX PL 921149, Improvement of the quality of forest seedlings (Pinus pinea, Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra subsp. Laricio, Quercus suber) and MEDiterranean reforestation using controlled MYCOrrhizal infection, participant number L2 : Cemagref AIX-EN-PROVENCE by C. Argillier, T. Sardin, P. de Saint Lager, reporting period : 01.10.94 to 31.09.95, first annual report. 3 - Compte-rendu succint de mission à l'étranger : suivi de 3 plantations expérimentales sur les mesures de la hauteur des plants et des taux de survie, mission en Italie de V. Raymond, D. Morge, R. Estève, 9-13 décembre 1996. 4 - Rapport semi-annuel d'avancement des travaux 1997, 3ème année. 5 - European commission directorate general XII, contract AIR 2 CT 94-1149 « Improvement of the quality of forest seedlings (Pinus pinea, Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra subsp. Laricio, Quercus suber) and MEDiterranean reforestation using controlled MYCOrrhizal infection (MYCOMED), second progress report participant L2, by C. Argillier, 30.09.95. 6 - Programme MYCOMED, compte-rendu des travaux effectués en 1995. - Rapport final de C. Argillier dans les 2 versions anglaise et française, 1996. - Rapport final global de tous les auteurs, MYCOMED, Montpellier, 26-27 mars 1998. - Dépliant sur l'INRA et l'ENSA de MONTPELLIER, 1997. Ce dossier traite de l'amélioration de la qualité des plants forestiers méditerranéens avec champignons (mycozzhize) par des essais sur le terrain et des analyses en laboratoire en association avec l'INRA de Montpellier en collaboration d'équipes de recherche italienne et espagnole.