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'xylem sap' ![Ne pas surligner les mots recherchés Ne pas surligner les mots recherchés](./images/text_horizontalrule.png)
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T. Kim ; J. Bigot ; A. Ourry ; J. Boucaud | 1993![]()
H. Hansen ; K. Dorffling | 1999Abscisic acid (ABA), conjugated abscisic acid, phaseic acid (PA), and conjugated phaseic acid were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and gas chromatography (GC) in xylem sap of of well-watered and drought-stressed sunflower[...]![]()
P. Hocking | 1980![]()
F. Antognoni ; S. Fornale ; C. Grimmer ; E. Komor ; N. Bagni | 1998Polyamine content and enzyme activities in the biosynthetic and degradative pathways of polyamine metabolism were investigated in sieve-tube sap, xylem sap and tissues of seedlings and adult plants of Ricinus communis L., Polyamines were present[...]![]()
L. Corbesier ; A. Havelange ; P. Lejeune ; G. Bernier ; C. Perilleux | 2001The involvement of nitrogenous substances in the transition to flowering was investigated in Sinapis alba and Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia). Both species grown in short days (SD) are induced to flower by one long day (LD). In S. alba, the phlo[...]![]()
E. Komor ; I. Liegl ; C. Schobert | 1993![]()
C. Schobert ; E. Komor | 1990![]()
The aim of the present study was to test the accuracy of the pressure-chamber technique as a method for estimating leaf-cell turgor pressures. To this end, pressure-probe measurements of cell turgor pressure (P-cell) were made on mesophyll cells[...]![]()
A. Moing ; F. Carbonne ; B. Zipperlin ; L. Svanella ; J. Gaudillere | 1997Sorbitol and sucrose are the two main soluble carbohydrates in mature peach leaves. Both are translocated in the phloem, in peach as in other rosaceous trees. The respective role of these two soluble carbohydrates in the leaf carbon budget, and [...]