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8 recherche sur le mot-clé
'sieve element' 

W. Tjallingii ; B. Gabrys | 1999A deviating type of potential drop (pd), i.e. the electrically recorded intracellular punctures during the pathway phase of plant penetration by aphids, is described and discussed. This so-called repetitive pd (R-pd) has been observed in 4 aphid[...]![]()
J. Patrick ; C. Offler | 1996Photoassimilate transport from the sieve elements to the recipient sink cells, principally in the form of sucrose, provides a link between sink metabolism and compartmentation with phloem import. Phloem unloading has focused attention on photoas[...]![]()
C. Ramirez ; H. Niemeyer | 1999Extended sieve element salivation (E1 waveform in the electrical penetration graph) is a characteristic activity during early sieve element punctures, particularly in resistant plants. In order to explore a chemically-mediated mechanism of resis[...]![]()
F. Kimmins ; W. Tjallingii | 1985![]()
J. Dannenhoffer ; A. Schulz ; M. Skaggs ; D. Bostwick ; G. Thompson | 1997The conducting elements of phloem in angiosperms are a complex of two cell types, sieve elements and companion cells, that form a single developmental and functional unit. During ontogeny of the sieve element/companion cell complex, specific pro[...]![]()
J. Dannenhoffer ; R. Suhr ; G. Thompson | 2001Vascular exudates of Cucurbita maxima (Duch.) contain a group of highly conserved serine proteinase inhibitors collectively called Pumpkin Fruit Trypsin Inhibitors (PFTIs) that prevent proteolytic activity of trypsin or chymotrypsin. Polyclonal [...]![]()
W. Tjallingii ; T. Hogen Esch | 1993