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42 recherche sur le mot-clé 'Zone de croissance'
H. Schnyder ; C. Nelson ; J. Coutts | 1987article/chapitre/communication
H. Shnyder ; C. Nelson | 1988article/chapitre/communication
H. Schnyder ; C. Nelson ; W. Spollen | 1988article/chapitre/communication
J. Gaudillere ; M. Barcelo | 1990article/chapitre/communication
M. Luscher ; C. Nelson | 1995High concentrations of water-soluble carbohydrates, mainly fructan, accumulate in the growth zone of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) leaf blades. We studied sucrose-hydrolyzing activities in the leaf growth zone because of their import[...]article/chapitre/communication
H. Schnyder ; C. Nelson | 1989article/chapitre/communication
H. Schnyder ; C. Nelson | 1987article/chapitre/communication
R. Devisser ; H. Vianden ; H. Schnyder | 1997The contribution of pre-defoliation reserves and current assimilates to leaf and root growth was examined in Lolium perenne L, during regrowth after defoliation, Differential steady-state labelling with C-13 (CO2 With delta(13)C=-0.0281 and -0.0[...]article/chapitre/communication
P. Schopfer ; C. Lapierre ; T. Nolte | 2001Cell extension in the mesocotyl elongation zone (MEZ) of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings is inhibited by light, The growth inhibition by blue light in the MEZ was reversible upon transfer to darkness, This experimental system was used for investig[...]thèse/mémoire
I. Maurice, - Auteur ; Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine;Nancy (FRA), Organisme de soutenance ; INRA Centre de Poitou-Charentes, Lusignan (FRA). Station d'Ecophysiologie des Plantes Fourragères | 1997article/chapitre/communication
J. Durand ; B. Onillon ; H. Schnyder ; I. Rademacher | 1995article/chapitre/communication
R. Sharp ; Y. Wu ; G. Voetberg ; I. Saab ; M. Lenoble | 1994Previous work showed that primary root elongation in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings at low water potentials was severely inhibited when accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) was decreased using either fluridone or the vp5 mutant to inhibit caroteno[...]