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5 recherche sur le mot-clé 'Vicia faba L.'
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J. Figier, Auteur ; Université de Bordeaux (FRA). Faculté des Sciences, Organisme de soutenance | 1970article/chapitre/communication
J. Venekamp ; J. Lampe ; J. Koot | 1989article/chapitre/communication
K. Ishag ; M. Dennett | 1998The expolinear equation for crop growth (Goudriaan and Monteith Annuals of Botany 66: 695-701, 1990) was fitted to measurements of above ground dry weight made on two cultivars of each of three species, faba bean (Vicia faba L.), peas (Pisum sat[...]article/chapitre/communication
M. Dennett ; K. Ishag | 1998The expolinear equation for crop growth (Goudriaan and Monteith, Annals of Botany 66: 695-701, 1990; Goudriaan, 1994. In: Monteith JL, Scott RK, Unsworth MH, eds. Resource capture by clops. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press, 99-110) has th[...]congrès/colloque