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34 recherche sur le mot-clé 'SUCROSE'
C. Kuhn ; L. Barker ; L. Burkle ; W. Frommer | 1999Sucrose as the major transported form of fixed carbon, must be translocated from the sites of synthesis, i.e. the green tissues, to the sites of consumption and storage, i.e. the non-green cells and organs. For apoplasmic transport, carrier-medi[...]article/chapitre/communication
J. Verscht ; B. Kalusche ; J. Kohler ; W. Kockenberger ; A. Metzler ; A. Haase ; E. Komor | 1998The sucrose concentration was measured at 70-min intervals in the phloem of individual bundles of the hypocotyl of Ricinus seedlings by H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic imaging. The sucrose concentration stayed fairly constant [...]article/chapitre/communication
G. Orlich | 1998The aim of this study was to reveal the factors determining sucrose export and volume flow through the sieve tubes in Ricinus communis L. seedlings. The cotyledons lake up sucrose from the apoplasm in vivo, and export most of it to the growing s[...]article/chapitre/communication
L. Williams ; J. Bick ; A. Neelam ; K. Weston ; J. Hall | 1996The use of energized plasma membrane vesicle preparations from cotyledons and roots of Ricinus communis seedlings is described, and evidence is presented for the existence of plasma membrane H+/sucrose and H+/amino acid symporters. Using fractio[...]article/chapitre/communication
The contents of sucrose and amino acids in the leaves, phloem sap and taproots have been analysed in three experimental hybrids of sugar beet and compared with earlier analysed leaf and phloem sap contents in spinach and barley. The three hybrid[...]article/chapitre/communication
D. Ashford ; W. Smith ; A. Douglas | 2000The natural diet of aphids, plant phloem sap, generally contains high concentrations of sucrose. When pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) were fed on chemically defined diets containing sucrose radiolabelled in the glucose or fructose moiety, 2 to [...]article/chapitre/communication
J. Rhodes ; P. Croghan ; A. Dixon | 1996Ingestion, excretion and respiration in aphids were studied using artificial diets labelled with radioactive sucrose or amino acids. The rate of ingestion of a 25 % w/v sucrose diet was 12.4 nl mg(-1) h(-1) and the honeydew excretion rate was 5.[...]thèse/mémoire
C. Uggla, Auteur ; Swedish university of agricultural sciences (Umea, SWE), Auteur | 1998article/chapitre/communication
Neutral invertase (NI, EC and sugars were extracted from the developing culm tissues of sugarcane. Tissues were divided according to developmental stage (internodes 3, 6 and 9) and anatomical differentiation (enriching for elongating, [...]article/chapitre/communication
E. Jeannette ; J. Rocher ; J. Prioul | 1995The sink demand was increased on a source maize leaf (Zea mays L. cv. F7 F2) by darkening all-the leaves except the fourth, which was maintained under the prevailing irradiance conditions. The parameters of carbon metabolism were measured precis[...]article/chapitre/communication
F. Larher ; L. Leport ; M. Petrivalsky ; M. Chappart | 1993Rape leaf discs incubated in vitro in the presence of some osmoticums in concentration superior to 0.4 M accumulate proline at a high rate after a 4 h induction period. This response provides the opportunity investigate factors involved in the c[...]article/chapitre/communication
M. Bretharte ; W. Silk | 1994The equations and experimental methods are reviewed for calculating solute deposition rates and fluxes in growing parts of roots. Then the expression for the growth-sustaining sucrose flux in the meristem is presented and evaluated to show the s[...]article/chapitre/communication
J. Abisgold ; S. Simpson ; A. Douglas | 1994A recently developed framework was applied to investigate the responses of newborn pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae), to simultaneous variations ip dietary sucrose and amino acid levels. The location of functional '[...]article/chapitre/communication
A. Moing ; F. Carbonne ; B. Zipperlin ; L. Svanella ; J. Gaudillere | 1997Sorbitol and sucrose are the two main soluble carbohydrates in mature peach leaves. Both are translocated in the phloem, in peach as in other rosaceous trees. The respective role of these two soluble carbohydrates in the leaf carbon budget, and [...]article/chapitre/communication
J. Patrick ; C. Offler | 1996Photoassimilate transport from the sieve elements to the recipient sink cells, principally in the form of sucrose, provides a link between sink metabolism and compartmentation with phloem import. Phloem unloading has focused attention on photoas[...]