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5 recherche sur le mot-clé

G. Proetzel, Auteur ; H. Ebersbach, Auteur | Berlin [DEU] : Springer Science+Business Media | Methods in Molecular Biology, ISSN 1064-3745 | 2012![]()
I. Eidhammer, Auteur ; K. Flikka, Auteur ; L. Martens, Auteur | Hoboken [USA] : John Wiley & Sons | 2007Proteomics is the study of the subsets of proteins present in different parts of an organism and how they change with time and varying conditions. Mass spectrometry is the leading technology used in proteomics, and the field relies heavily on bi[...]![]()
F. Wehrli, Auteur ; A. Marchand, Auteur ; S. Wehrli, Auteur | Hoboken [USA] : John Wiley & Sons | 1988![]()
Z. Popper, Editeur scientifique | Berlin [DEU] : Springer Science+Business Media | Methods in Molecular Biology, ISSN 1064-3745 | 2011The cell wall and its constituent polysaccharides and proteins control nearly all plant-based biological and biophysical processes. Understanding the cell wall is, therefore, not only fundamental to the plant sciences but is also pertinent to as[...]