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28 recherche sur le mot-clé 'Repulsif'
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B. Deras, Auteur ; INRA Centre d'Avignon (FRA). Unité de Recherches Forestières Méditerranéenne, Auteur ; Université d'Avignon et des Pays de vaucluse, Avignon (FRA), Auteur | 2018article/chapitre/communication
J. Salem ; F. Klingauf | 1979article/chapitre/communication
A. Givovich ; H. Niemeyer | 1995Feeding behaviour of five species of cereal aphids in wheat seedlings differing in hydroxamic acid (Hx) levels, was monitored via electrical penetration graphs (EPG). Aphid species could be grouped as sensitive to the feeding deterrent effect of[...]ouvrage
H. Dunn, Editeur scientifique ; US Department of Agriculture, Washington (USA) | Washington [USA] : UDSA | 1964ouvrage
D. Dreyer ; K. Jones ; L. Jurd ; B. Campbell | 1987article/chapitre/communication
S. Nottingham ; J. Hardie | 1993Walking alate virginoparae of Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) and Aphis fabae Scopoli were presented with odours of steam-distilled extracts of the non-host plants summer savoury (Satureja hortensis L.) and tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.) in an olfactom[...]article/chapitre/communication
F. Klingauf | 1972