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11 recherche sur le mot-clé 'NABIDAE'
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H. Graham ; C. Jackson | 1982article/chapitre/communication
H. Graham ; C. Jackson | 1982ouvrage
A. Korcz | 1987Studies on the harmfulness of entomofauna from the genera Lygus and Orthops were carried out on seed plantations of : onions in 1975-78 and again in 1981-85 ; beans in 1975-78 and 19884-85; carrots in 1968-70 and 1983-85 and cucumbers in 1975-78[...]article/chapitre/communication
T. Bilewicz-Pawinska | 1964Investigations were carried out in the summer 1962 on cultivated fields (rye, oats and potatoes) in the Warsaw district. As many as 1132 larvae and 349 imagines of bugs which belonged to six families (Nabidae, Anthocoridae Miridae, Neididae, Lyg[...]article/chapitre/communication
J. Reilly ; W. Sterling | 1983ouvrage
C. Dedryver, Editeur scientifique ; OILB Organisation Internationale de Lutte Biologique, Montfavet (FRA). SROP Section Régionale Ouest Paléarctique ; Meeting of the Working Group Integrated Control in Cereal Crops (1992/11/30, 1992/12/02; Le Rheu, FRA) | Avignon [FRA] : OILB/SROP Organisation Internationale de Lutte Biologique / Section Régionale Ouest Paléarctique | Bulletin OILB SROP (FRA) | 1994article/chapitre/communication
E. Evans ; N. Youssef | 1992article/chapitre/communication
V. Waddill ; B. Shepard ; S. Turnipseed ; G. Carner | 1974article/chapitre/communication
The escape response of pea aphids to foliar-foraging predators: factors affecting dropping behaviour
1. The effects of predator species, aphid density, aphid age, diel period, and habitat complexity on the dropping behaviour of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum were assessed in a series of laboratory and field-cage experiments. 2. The presence [...]