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30 recherche sur le mot-clé
'Monte Carlo' 

J. Vaillant ; I. Badenhausser | 1989![]()
A. Yool | 1999Variability enters ecological systems at many different levels, from the differences between organisms and their individual life histories, to differences in the species composition of communities and changes in the external environment. Incorpo[...]![]()
J. Annan | 1997In a realistic model of a biological system there is usually uncertainty in some of the model parameters. A conventional Monte Carlo simulation handles this situation by randomly choosing parameters at the start of the simulation (from specified[...]![]()
We discuss optimal choice of the numbers of resamples in the two stages of the iterated bootstrap, when that technique is used to calibrate bootstrap confidence intervals. If the numbers of resamples in the first and second stages are denoted by[...]![]()
J. Vaillant | 1989![]()
A. Lynch ; G. Fowler ; G. Simmons | 1990![]()
E. Galiano ; I. Castro ; A. Sterling | 1987![]()
Binomial sequential sampling plans, based on Wald's sequential probability ratio test, were developed for adult female twospotted spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch, on main stem hop leaves at the 2 m elevation for early season sampling and [...]![]()
A. Monti | 1994This note proposes a test of goodness of fit for time series models based on the sum of the squared residual partial autocorrelations. The test statistic is asymptotically chi(2). Its small-sample performance is studied through a Monte Carlo exp[...]![]()
L. Celini ; J. Vaillant | 1999The spatio-temporal distribution of cotton plants, Gossypium hirsutum L., infested with Aphis gossypii (Glover) winged adults, is described in a plot located in Bangui, Central African Republic. Each cotton plant growing in the plot was examined[...]![]()
B. Cade ; J. Richards | 1996A permutation test based on proportionate reduction in sums of absolute deviations when passing from reduced to full parameter models is developed for testing hypotheses about least absolute deviation (LAD) estimates of conditional medians in li[...]