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136 recherche sur le mot-clé 'MICROBIOLOGIE SANITAIRE'
J. Vivegnis ; R. Oger ; J. Decallonne | 1997article/chapitre/communication
L. Rosso ; S. Bajard ; J. Flandrois ; AL Et | 1996Growth rates and lag times of Listeria monocytogenes at 4 and 8 degrees C were compared in dairy products (milk, cream, and cheese), minced beef, and smoked salmon. Results showed that an increase in incubation temperature from 4 to 8 degrees C [...]article/chapitre/communication
S. Martin ; R. Beelman | 1996Freshly harvested mushrooms were found to induce a near-anaerobic environment (article/chapitre/communication
B. Kimura ; S. Kuroda ; M. Murakami ; AL Et | 1996The growth of Clostridium perfringens inoculated in fish fillets of jack mackerel subsequently packaged under a controlled carbon dioxide gas atmosphere (40% CO2, 60% N-2) was investigated at marginal growth (15 degrees C) and stimulative ambien[...]article/chapitre/communication
I. Blackman ; J. Frank | 1996The objective of this research was to determine the ability of Listeria monocytogenes to grow as a biofilm on various food-processing surfaces including stainless steel, Teflon(R), nylon, and polyester floor sealant. Each of these surfaces was a[...]article/chapitre/communication
R. Garcia-gimeno ; G. Zurera-cosano ; M. Amaro-lopez | 1996article/chapitre/communication
Three haemolytic, pathogenic strains of Listeria monocytogenes (a reference strain NCTC 7973, a food-derived strain L70 and a human strain L94) and a control strain of Listeria innocua L27 were held in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) of pH 7.0 o[...]article/chapitre/communication
R. Schmitt ; L. Gallo ; W. Schmidt-lorenz | 1988article/chapitre/communication
D. Schaffner | 1998Most microbial growth rate data are heteroscedastic, or non-normally distributed. If data heteroscedasticity is not taken into account prior to regression analysis, the analysis will be flawed. The resulting model will imply lower accuracy than [...]article/chapitre/communication
Ensuring microbiological safety requires identification of realistic hazards and the means of controlling them. The risk assessment framework proposed by Coder Alimentarius allows the impact of raw materials and processes to be appreciated, and [...]article/chapitre/communication
M. Cassin ; G. Paoli ; A. Lammerding | 1998Quantitative microbial risk assessment implies an estimation of the probability and impact of adverse health outcomes due to microbial hazards. In the case of food safety, the probability of human illness is a complex function of the variability[...]article/chapitre/communication
K. Karr ; E. Boyle ; C. Kastner ; AL Et | 1996Standardized microbiological sampling and testing procedures were developed that can be used throughout the beef slaughter and processing industry to facilitate the collection and any desired compilation of comparative data. Twenty samples each [...]article/chapitre/communication
A. Nutsch ; R. Phebus ; M. Riemann ; AL Et | 1998A steam pasteurization process (patent pending) has been shown to effectively reduce pathogenic bacterial populations on beef tissue and to significantly reduce naturally occurring bacterial populations on commercially slaughtered beef carcasses[...]article/chapitre/communication
P. Rosset ; A. Beaufort ; Marie Cornu ; G. Poumeyrol | 2002Les auteurs ont étudié les denrées réfrigérées et le risque sanitaire d'origine microbiologique. Après un rappel de la définition de la chaîne du froid et des modalités générales de mise en oeuvre, ils abordent les particularités technologiques [...]