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24 recherche sur le mot-clé 'METHODE DE PREVISION'
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I. Badenhausser ; R. Bournoville ; Y. Monnet ; J. Thieuleux | 1988article/chapitre/communication
R. Bournoville ; I. Badenhausser | 1989article/chapitre/communication
C. ERDELYI ; S. Manninger ; K. Manninger ; K. GERGELY ; L. HANGYEL ; I. Bernath | 1994The impacts of weather on the damages caused by the lucerne seed chalcid (Bruchophagus roddi Guss.), the lucerne seed weevil (Tychius flavus Beck.), as well as by mirids (mainly Adelphocoris lineolatus Goeze, Lygus rugulipennis Popp., Polymerus [...]article/chapitre/communication
J. KNIGHT ; M. Cammell | 1994The development of a decision support system for forecasting Aphis fabae outbreaks in fields of spring-sown beans is described. The system has been developed from an earlier regional forecasting system but has additional knowledge and rules inco[...]article/chapitre/communication
R. Gottwald | 1970article/chapitre/communication
J. Thacker ; T. Thieme ; A. Dixon | 1997Linear regression models have been constructed to describe variation in abundance of Aphis fabae, Myzus persicae and Acyrthosiphon pisum populations in Restock, Germany. Egg densities, which have been used successfully in the past to predict A. [...]article/chapitre/communication
R. Bommarco ; B. Ekbom | 1995This study was designed to investigate the possibility of predicting the timing and level of infestation of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), a pest of economic importance in peas. The source of infestation is perennial legumes. We fo[...]