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R. VAN TOOR ; K. DODDS | 1994ouvrage
J. Benada, - Editeur scientifique ; J. Sedivy, - Editeur scientifique ; J. Spacek, - Editeur scientifique | Amsterdam [NLD] : Elsevier | 1987article/chapitre/communication
P. KOLESIK | 1993The bionomics of Contarinia lentis Aczel (lentil gall midge), a pest of Lens esculenta Moench (lentil), was studied in Czechoslovakia in 19861990. The adults emerged from the soil of fields in which lentils had been grown in the previous year fr[...]ouvrage
G. Papavizas, - Editeur scientifique ; Symposium BARC (1980/05/18-21; Beltsville, USA) | Londres [GBR] : Allan Held | Beltsville Symposium in Agricultural Research (USA) | 1981ouvrage
M. FORTASS ; S. Diallo | 1993article/chapitre/communication
C. ERDELYI ; S. Manninger ; K. Manninger ; K. GERGELY ; L. HANGYEL ; I. Bernath | 1994The impacts of weather on the damages caused by the lucerne seed chalcid (Bruchophagus roddi Guss.), the lucerne seed weevil (Tychius flavus Beck.), as well as by mirids (mainly Adelphocoris lineolatus Goeze, Lygus rugulipennis Popp., Polymerus [...]article/chapitre/communication
M. Kharboutli ; T. MACK | 1993We compared the use of beat sheets, pitfall traps, and sweep nets for sampling common arthropods in peanut fields by taking weekly samples in the 1987 to 1989 growing seasons. We used sigma**(2)/x ratios and number of samples needed as the crite[...]article/chapitre/communication
J. KNIGHT ; M. Cammell | 1994The development of a decision support system for forecasting Aphis fabae outbreaks in fields of spring-sown beans is described. The system has been developed from an earlier regional forecasting system but has additional knowledge and rules inco[...]