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6 recherche sur le mot-clé
'Density dependence' 

M. Maudsley ; A. Mackenzie ; J. Thacker ; A. Dixon | 1996Long sequences of data on the incidence of cereal aphids from five European countries were analysed for evidence of density dependent processes occurring between years. Using a randomisation test (Pollard, Lakhani & Rotheray, 1987), density depe[...]![]()
N. Cappuccino | 1988![]()
1. Dispersion patterns of the protelean parasite, Allothrombium pulvinum Ewing, among individuals of an aphid host, Aphis gossypii Glover, were examined during spring 1991 in several cotton fields in Jiangsu Province, China. 2. The variance-to-m[...]![]()
R. Sequeira ; A. Dixon | 1997![]()
The interplay of dispersal, disturbance, and local dynamics in spatial mosaics has profound effects on the stability and viability of populations. There are two main reasons to consider spatial models in population dynamics: (1) improved estimat[...]