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43 recherche sur le mot-clé 'DERIVE AROMATIQUE'
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Le bois matériau de construction - La carbonisation du bois - La fabrication de paâtes de cellulose et d'autres matières fibreuses - La fabrication du papier - La saccharification du bois - Le développement de la grande industrie aliphatique - L[...]ouvrage
Le bois matériau de construction - La carbonisation du bois - La fabrication de paâtes de cellulose et d'autres matières fibreuses - La fabrication du papier - La saccharification du bois - Le développement de la grande industrie aliphatique - L[...]article/chapitre/communication
W. Ma ; A. Van Kleunen ; J. Immerzeel ; G. De Maagd | 1998The purpose of this study was to assess the suitability of applying equilibrium partitioning (EqP) theory to predict the bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by earthworms when these are exposed to contaminated soils in the[...]article/chapitre/communication
A. Deipser ; R. Stegmann | 1994Les quantités d'hydrocarbures halogénés volatils (VCCs/CFCs) et les substances aromatiques (benzène, toluène, éthylbenzène et xylène) dans les déchets municipaux ont été déterminées par deux méthodes différentes. Par ailleurs, le potentiel d'émi[...]ouvrage
Noyau benzénique - carbures benzéniques - Dérivés halogénés - Acides sulféniques, sulfiniques ou séléniques - Acides sulfoniques - Sulfones - Dérivés nitrés, nitrohalogénés, nitrosés... - Dérivés nitrosulfiniques, nitrosulfoniques, nitrohalogéné[...]article/chapitre/communication
A. Hendriks ; H. Pieters ; J. De Boer | 1998Concentrations of heavy metals and various groups of organic microcontaminants were measured in zebra mussel and eel from the Rhine-Meuse basin. Residues in mussel from the Rhine and Meuse were on average 2.3 and 2.9 times higher than in those f[...]article/chapitre/communication
J. Axelman ; K. Naes ; C. Naf ; D. Broman | 1999Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) were deployed at a site contaminated by discharges of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from an aluminium reduction plant, and at a reference site. The accumulatio[...]article/chapitre/communication
L. Granier ; P. Lafrance ; P. Campbell | 1999Experiments were conducted to probe the interactions between natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) and two xenobiotics, and to determine how DOM influences their bioavailability. The experimental set-up, using dialysis bags, was designed to exp[...]article/chapitre/communication
A. Mac Intyre ; R. Perry ; J. Lester | 1981article/chapitre/communication
G. Petersen ; P. Kristensen | 1998Accumulation of C-14-labeled polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene, and benzo(a)pyrene and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners PCB 31 and PCB 105 with a log octanol/water partition coefficient (K-ow) range from[...]article/chapitre/communication
C. Goudar ; K. Strevett | 1998Biodegradation of BTEX by a microbial consortium isolated from a closed municipal landfill was studied using respirometric techniques. The kinetics of biodegradation were estimated from experimental oxygen uptake data using a nonlinear parameter[...]article/chapitre/communication
H. Skaltsa ; S. Philianos | 1986