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25 recherche sur le mot-clé 'CTENOPHARYNGODON IDELLA'
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IAGFC = International Association of Game and Fish Commissioners Dossier ctenopharyngodonouvrage
Bib aquaculture gtesouvrage
Etudes preliminaires a l'introduction de ctenopharyngodon idella in complet bib especeouvrage
F. Ware ; R. Gasaway | 1976Dossier ctenopharyngodonouvrage
R. Gasaway | 1978Dossier ctenopharyngodonouvrage
R. Rottmann ; R. Anderson | 1976Dossier ctenopharyngodonouvrage
EPA = Environmental Protection Agency Dossier ctenopharyngodonouvrage
Bib aquaculture gtes i ex montpellierouvrage
Ed: deutsche gesellschaft fur technische zusammenarbeit. bi bliographie.ouvrage
H. Rosenthal | 1978Cote etude d'impactouvrage
Dossier controle biologique vegetationouvrage
Dossier israelouvrage
E. Huisman ; H. Hogendoorn | 1979congrès/colloque
J. Halver ; K. Tiews ; EUROPEAN INLAND FISHERIES ADVISORY COMMISSION OF FAO ; INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE EXPLORATION OF THE SEA ; INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES ; EIFAC-Symposium on finish Nutrition ans feed technology, Hamburg, DEU, 20-23 june 1978 (1978; DEU) | 1979The symposium was held in 6 technical sessions. The sixth session was organized to draw main conclusions and make recommendations. In each of the sessions, except the last, panel members introduced the more important topics for discussion with a[...]