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A. Anagnostopoulos ; F. Schlosser ; N. Kalteziotis ; R. Frank ; Proceedings of an international symposium under the auspices of the international society for soil mechanics and foundation engineering, the international association of engineering geology and the international society for rock mechanics, Athens, GRC, 20 (1993; GRC) | Rotterdam, NLD : A.A. Balkema | 1993Sont abordés successivement : aspects géologiques, reconnaissance et classification propriétés mécaniques et comportement fondations, excavations et ouvrages de soutènement stabilité des pentes et protection tunnels et travaux souterrains roches[...]ouvrage
Nature of the mineral fractions of soil - Physical and chemical properties of clays - Rheology and plasticity - Soil structure - Soil water - Volume changes in clay soils - Compressibility and consolidation - Granular soil strength and strength [...]