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43 recherche sur le mot-clé 'ADELPHOCORIS LINEOLATUS'
W. Romankow | 1955article/chapitre/communication
W. Morrill ; R. Ditterline ; C. Winstead | 1984article/chapitre/communication
A. Ewen | 1966article/chapitre/communication
A. Wheeler Jr | 1972article/chapitre/communication
J. Hughes | 1943article/chapitre/communication
J. Sedivy | 1972article/chapitre/communication
P. Masner | 1966article/chapitre/communication
P. Masner | 1965article/chapitre/communication
J. Rotrekl | 1972Results of laboratory tests, in which the effect of some insecticides on alfalfa plant bug was studied, are summarized in this publication. In next years effective preparations will be tested in fields trials. The following insecticides were app[...]article/chapitre/communication
A. Kolobova | 1953article/chapitre/communication
W. Romankow | 1959In years 1952-1956 studies were carried on some problems of biology and ecology of Adelphocoris lineolatus Goeze. In these studies the following moments were investigated : 1. the location of A. lineolatus Goeze eggs in alfalfa plants and weeds,[...]