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E. Dickmanns ; IEEE computer vision & pattern recognition conference, Ann Arbor USA, june 5-8, 1988 | 1988A new method for dynamic scene analysis by computer vision is described combining 3D-shape models, dynamical models as known from modern control theory and the laws of perspective projection. In order to arrive at numerically efficient real-time[...]![]()
D. Kuan ; G. Phipps ; A. Hsueh ; IEEE computer vision, 1st international conference, London GBR, June 8-11, 198 | 1987An autonomous vehicule must plan its actions, perceive its surrounding, execute its plans, and adapt to the environment. Such a complex system requires management of multiple subsystems, cooperating in a way to achieve common goals. In the paper[...]![]()
A. Flynn | 1988Multiple sensors can be used on a mobile robot so that it can perceive its environment with better accuracy than if either sensor were used alone. Sonar and infrared sensors are used here in a complementary fashion, where the advantages of one c[...]![]()
P. Belleau | 1985Ce travail traite des aspects capteur et guidage associé au chariot automoteur. Il comprend cinq parties. Le premier chapitre est une étude bibliographique des techniques de localisation-guidage existantes dans le but de dégager un principe sati[...]![]()
N. Bourbakis | 1988This paper presents the design of an autonomous navigation system called ODYSSEUS and discusses its operation. The ODYSSEUS system consists of five main parts: (1) a triangle base with three programmable wheels, (2) a special digital compass bas[...]![]()
C. Klomp ; W. Jongkind ; G. Honderd ; J. Dessing ; R. Paliwoda | 1990The development of overall control for a robot system that is used to milk cows at the cow's own demand is described. The focus is on design of the inner- ans outer-loop control of the robot arm developed especially for this system. The strategy[...]![]()
N. Ayache ; F. Lustman ; INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE EN INFORMATIQUE ET EN AUTOMATIQUE ROCQU ; IEEE Computer vision, 1st international conference, Londres GBR, 8-11 Juin 1987 (1987) | 1987Présentation d'une approche originale de construction rapide d'une description en 3D de l'environnement d'un robot à l'aide d'une stéréovision passive réalisée à partir de trois images digitales. Cette technique a été appliquée avec succès à la [...]![]()
R. Harrell ; D. Slaughter ; P. Adsit | 1989Le système de repérage du fruit décrit dans cet article calcule en temps réel la dimension et la position d'un fruit à cueillir en images couleur. Cette information est utilisée pour contrôler le mouvement d'un robot cueilleur. Une classificatio[...]![]()
M. Weigl ; B. Siemiatkowska ; A. Et | 1993Présentation d'un module de cartographie pour un robot mobile équipé d'un appareil de pointage à ultrasons.![]()
C. Dupuy | 1987Conception et réalisation du guidage cartésien d'un chariot autonome évoluant dans un environnement coopératif partiellement connu.![]()
C. Ming Wang | 1988A motion controller for the autonomous vehicle commands the robot's drive mechanism to keep the robot near its desired path at all times. In order for the controller to behave properly, the controller must know the robot's position at any given [...]![]()
The critical geometric dimensions of a standard pattern are used here to locate the relative position of the mobile robot with respect to the pattern ; by doing so, the method does not depend on values of any intrinsic camera parameters, except [...]![]()
Proceedings 1989 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, Scottdale Arizona USA, May 14-19 1989 (1989) | Washington USA : IEEE Computer Society Press | 1989Contents : algorithmic motion planning, shape and reflectance, assembly planning, force control, redundant robots, tactile devices, shape modeling, tactile sensing, heuristic motion planning, recognition, special applications, closed-chain kinem[...]