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Auteur M. Fujita |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (9)
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This book provides the first unifying treatment of the range of economic reasons for the clustering of firms and households. Its goal is to explain further the trade-off between various forms of increasing returns and different types of mobility[...]ouvrage
M. Fujita ; J. Thisse ; C. Gaigne ; B. Schmitt | Bruxelles, Belgique : De Boeck Université | du Service des études et de la statistique du Ministère de la Région wallonne | 2003Ce livre utilise les principaux outils de la théorie microéconomique moderne, mais emprunte également à la géographie économique et à la science régionale, pour mettre en lumière les tendances lourdes à l'oeuvre dans la formation des nouveaux es[...]ouvrage
J. Gabszewicz ; J. Thisse ; M. Fujita ; U. Schweizer | Chur (CHE) : Hardwood academic publishers | 1986The book analyzes the economic theory of urban land use in both its positive and normative aspects. it also discusses the process of spatial competition and proposes possible reformulations of the basic model. in addition, it presents the theory[...]article/chapitre/communication
S. Soda ; E. Heinzle ; M. Fujita | 1999A simple biofilm model was developed to simulate the competition between two microorganisms for a common inhibitory substrate. The following assumptions were made for the simulations: (1) the biofilm has a uniform thickness and is composed of 5 [...]article/chapitre/communication
K. Furukawa ; N. Tanaka ; M. Fujita | 1994For the establishment of a more general and comprehensive activated sludge stoichiometry, which can be applied to the treatment of complex organic wastewater, experimental studies of activated sludge process were carried out. Changes in the elem[...]ouvrage
Since 1990 there has been a renaissance of theoretical and empirical work on the spatial aspects of the economy--that is, where economic activity occurs and why. Using new tools--in particular, modeling techniques developed to analyze industrial[...]