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Auteur A. Ives |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (3)

K. Rauwald ; A. Ives | 2001In annual or periodically harvested crops, biological control of pests is aided if natural enemy populations rapidly recover within fields following disturbances. Here, we show that the life history of parasitoids may facilitate their recovery w[...]![]()
We investigated the role of the foraging behavior of the parasitoid wasp Aphidius ervi in producing nonrandom spatial patterns of parasitism among pea aphids, Aeyrthosiphon pisum. We measured spatial variability in percent parasitism by determin[...]![]()
A. Ives ; S. Schooler ; V. Jagar ; S. Knuteson ; M. Grbic ; W. Settle | 1999When a parasitoid is searching for hosts, not all hosts are equally likely to be attacked. This variability in attack probability may affect the parasitoid functional response. Using a collection of experiments, we quantified the functional resp[...]