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AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS ; National conference on advances in infiltration, Chicago, Illinois, 12-13 december 1983 (1983; USA) | Michigan : American society of agricultural engineers | 1983The conference deals with measuring and modeling the movement of water in soil. six topics are presented : physics on infiltration, parameters in infiltration equations, special problems like infiltration affected by air, seal, crust ..., measur[...]![]()
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L. Woody ; AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS | St Joseph (USA) : ASAE - American Society of Agricultural Engineers | ASAE Paper n°953217 | 1995The next-generation Wedge Imaging Spectrometer (WIS) instrument currently in integration at Hughes SBRC incorporate advanced features to increase operation flexibility for remotely-sensed hyperstectral imagery collection and use. The instrument [...]![]()
R. Doyle ; G. Stanton ; AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS ; D. Wolf ; 1977 winter meeting, ASEA, Palmer House hotel, chicago, Illinois, December 13-16, 1977, USA (1977; USA) | St Joseph, Michigan, USA : ASAE | PAPER NC : 77-2501 | 1977La forêt et les bandes enherbées d'approximativement 4 m ont été trouvés comme efficaces dans la réduction des niveaux de bactéries fécales dans les eaux de ruissellement des cultures traités au fumier . les taux de NH4+ , NO3-,N, P sont réduits[...]![]()
Les bandes enherbées d'approximativement 4 métres sont efficacess pour réduire la quantité de bactéries fécales dans les eaux de ruissellement. Les quantités de NH4+, NO3, N, P et K (solubles) sont réduites par ces bandes enherbées.![]()
W Troyer ; E Meyer ; AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS | St Joseph (USA) : ASAE - American Society of Agricultural Engineers | ASAE Paper n°90-7046 | 1990Spectral reflectance and electronic image analyses were performed on the foliage of growing poinsettia plants, sujected to four different nitrogen treatment levels. The experiment, first completed in a greenhouse, was repeated in a growth chambe[...]![]()
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W. Dykes ; AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS | St Joseph (USA) : ASAE - American Society of Agricultural Engineers | ASAE Paper n°80-1007 | 1980Resistance heating was identified as the primary principle of electrical weed control as a result of laboratory and field experiments. The concept of utilizing differential tolerance to achieve selectivity in weed control was explained. The desi[...]