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Auteur J. VYMAZAL |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (6)

R. Kadlec ; R. Knight ; INTERNATIONAL WATER ASSOCIATION ; J. VYMAZAL ; SPECIALIST GROUP ON USE OF MAOCROPHYTES IN WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ; H. Brix ; P. Cooper ; R. Haberl | London, GBR : IWA Publishing | Scientific and technical reports N° 8 | 2000This book presents a comprehensive up-to-date survey of wetland design techniques and operational experience from treatment wetlands. It is the first and only global synthesis of information related to constructed treatment wetlands. Types of co[...]![]()
The use of constructed wetlands provides a relativity simple and inexpressive solution for treatment of pollution from small communities, industries, storm water, and agricultural runoff. This book presents a comprehensive and up-to-date survey [...]![]()
Ce livre étend les connaissances sur les services écosystémiques des zones humides basées sur la nouvelle recherche. L'information a combiné les réalisations obtenues dans la séquestration du carbone, l'accumulation de nutriments, la décompositi[...]![]()
J. VYMAZAL ; L. Kropfelova | London [GB] : Springer | Environmental Science and Engineering, ISSN 1863-5520 | 2008Constructed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface flow (HF CWs) have been used for wastewater treatment for more than four decades. HF CWs are used around the world for many types of wastewater, including municipal sewage, agricultural and indust[...]![]()
Presenting the latest research in wetland science, this volume explores the use of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment, wetland hydrology and evapotranspiration. Additional topics include the affects wetlands have on landscape temperat[...]