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Auteur A. Cleland |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (7)

Présentation d'une approche multi-disciplinaire pour l'étude des problèmes de conception et d'exploitation des procédés de réfrigération mis en oeuvre dans l'industrie agro-alimentaire.On envisage aussi bien les techniques du froid:refroidisseme[...]![]()
M. North ; S. Lovatt ; A. Cleland | 1998![]()
A. Cleland | 1996Consumer demands for fresh food are increasing; combined refrigeration and packaging systems are an effective means of achieving the required product shelf life for transportation over significant distances. Optimization of packaging systems for[...]![]()
S. Chuntranuluck ; C. Wells ; A. Cleland | 1998The finite difference method was used to simulate the unsteady state cooling of spheres, infinite slabs and infinite cylinders of food materials subject to both convection and evaporation at the product surface. Simulations were conducted across[...]![]()
S. Chuntranuluck ; C. Wells ; A. Cleland | 1998The algebraic model developed in Part I for prediction of chilling times, where cooling at the product surface is by evaporation as well as convection, was tested. Experimental measurements were made by chilling cylindrical test samples construc[...]![]()
S. Chuntranuluck ; C. Wells ; A. Cleland | 1998Heuristics (rules of thumb) are proposed for extending the chilling time prediction method proposed in Part I and tested for model substances in Part 2 to real foods with non-unity water activity. Guidance is given for selecting three water acti[...]![]()
A. Cleland | 2001At a time when consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about food safety, there is statistical evidence pointing at refrigeration as the food preservation technology most associated with food poisoning : admittedly through its misuse. Even[...]