Titre :
Source-sink coupling in young barley plants and control of phloem loading
Titre original:
Source-sink coupling in young barley plants and control of phloem loading
Auteurs :
P. Minchin ;
M. Thorpe ;
J. Farrar ;
O. Koroleva
Type de document :
Année de publication :
Format :
= Anglais
phloem loading
Résumé :
Phloem loading of carbohydrate within a mature exporting leaf of a barley seedling is shown to respond quickly to a change in the temperature of the root and the shoot meristem. This is interpreted as a close coupling between source supply and sink demand for carbohydrate, through the hydrostatic pressure gradient linking source and sink generated by the solute concentration within the sieve tubes. This interpretation was tested by using anoxia to alter solute concentration within the sieve tubes of one region of a leaf while observing phloem loading in an adjacent region. Responses to anoxia could not be explained by the above model, suggesting that either this model is incorrect or other signalling pathways are involved. There is evidence in the literature for coarse control of phloem loading but no evidence was found of fine control by solute content of the loaded sieve elements.
Source :
Journal of Experimental Botany VL 53 NO 374