Résumé :
Four winter wheat cultivars of domestic origin (Hana, Regina, Viginta, Zdar) and foreign cultivar Sparta were tested in glasshouse conditions for suitability to cereal aphids Metopolophium (Walker), Rhopalosiphuin padi (L.) and Sitobion avenae (F.) in relationship to biochemical characteristics of plants. Suitability of cultivars for aphids was evaluated by aphid dry matter per tiller/spike 14 days from artificial infestation (three females M. dirhodum, R. padi per plant at the end of shooting phase 49 GS, two females of S. avenae per spike at the beginning of anthesis 59 GS). The content of dry matter, free amino acids and sugars in leaves and spikes of cultivars were determined in the control plants parallelly with infestation. Dry matter and basic metabolite contents in leaves of cultivars was in statistical significant positive correlation (P