Résumé :
This book is directed towards the preparation, design, analysis and interpretation of forestry trials, primarily for tree introduction and improvement. The structure of the book follows the sequence of thought needed by an experimenter to carry out a program of field trials for the purpose of comparing different genotypes (seedlots, provenances, families, clones etc.) Relevant statistical methodology and computing techniques are introduced at appropriate stages throughout the book and there are many worked examples with program for statistical analysis The terminology of forestry field trials and examples from forestry are used so as to maker the book particularly relevant to tree breeders. The statistical methodology and computing techniques, however, are applicable in other areas such as cereal breeding. The procedures offered are bases on commercially available computer software packages for the various activities involved in fiels and glasshouse trials. Software packages covered in detail are : ALPHA+ - for the design and randomisation of trials; DATACHAIN - for the collection and preprocessing of data; and GENSTAT - for the analysis of results.