Résumé :
The objectives of this Symposium in Tours were mainly to provide a scientific forum where the latest results in forest ecosystems research can be presented, as well as to discuss the need for future collaboration in order to support decision-making and practical measures. Another main issue is to discuss and support the preparation of the NoE whose applied goal is sustainable forest management. The symposium is structured in 2 parts: scientific fora and a session devoted to the preparation pf the NoE (Network of Excellence). The scientific fora are focused on the 3 research areas: i) ecosystems functioning including biogeochemical cycling and functional ecology, ii) environmental economics and sociology addressing multi-functionality (economic and social values) and public policies (market organisation, participatory policies), iii) forest management and practices (design of forest policies, answering management questions, improvement of techniques and practices. The fora are planned with 2 plenary sessions on forest managements and practices, and environmental economics and sociology, while they are 2 parallel sessions on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. These sessions have to identify potential topics for the NoE. The preparation of the NoE is addressed through several sessions: a plenary aimed at proposing a strategy on how to proceed, another plenary on the methodological aspects, and 3 parallel workshops aimed at identifying the topics for the NoE. Although uncertainties are still remaining about the timing of occurrence of a workprogramme in FP6, which will address forest ecosystem research and SFM (Sustainable Forest Management) issue, it is believed that the preparation of CEFS (Centre for European Forest Science) should be pursued in the coming months on the basis of the principles elaborated in Tours.