Résumé :
The proposed Forest Practices Code sets high standards for forestry operations in British Columbia and establishes enforcement provisions that will ensure responsible forest stewardship throughout the province. It is intended that the Forest Practices Act will be tabled in the spring of 1994. This document presents the draft Rules being proposed for forest practices in the province. After public review, the Rules will be incorporated into Regulations and taken before the Legislature in the fall of 1994. It will set new levels of forest practice that will establish British Columbia as a world leader in the attainment of environmental and resource sustainability. Among the new requirements are: - the maintenance of biological diversity in the design of harvesting patterns, the selection of silvicultural systems, and the conduct of other activities such as grazing ; - the assessment and mitigation of the cumulative effects of harvesting and other forest practices in watersheds with significant water or downstream fisheries values ; - the restriction on use of clearcut silvicultural systems ; - the completion of long-term Forest Development Plans, at least 20 years into the future, for resource-sensitive areas ; - the attainment of "green-up" before logging can proceed in adjacent areas, thus precluding large, continuous clearcuts ; - the establishment of, and adherence to, Visual Quality Objectives; and - the adherence to tougher and more environmentally sensitive road building standards.