Résumé :
A book developed from instructors' lecture notes for a short course (1 week) emphasizing quantitative methods given in March 1989 to 67 participants (all involved in tree improvement activities). It was designed as a reference tool for forest geneticists, tree breeders and other tree improvement personnel, and as a graduate level textbook. The 9 chapters cover: Quantitative genetics: why bother? (Talbert, C.B.); Fundamental genetic principles (Buijtenen, J.P. van); Mating designs (Bridgwater, F.); Field test design (Loo-Dinkins, J.) Concepts of selection and gain prediction (Hodge, G.R.; White, T.L.); Computational methods (Stonecypher, R.W.); Estimating yield: beyond breeding values (Foster, G.S.); Quantitative approaches to decision-making in forest genetics programs (Friedman, S.T.); and Developing seed transfer zones (Westfall, R.D.). A subject index is included.