Résumé :
The topics of the proccedings presents in the theme a covered include flood and drought estimation and control, regional and multinational river basin management, improved management of water distribution systems, analysis and management of excess water, and water scarcity and the future of irrigated agriculture.The two volumes of the theme b cover topics from basic research in fluid flow, mixing, sediment transport, turbulence, and interactions among flow, sediment, vegetation, and structures to applications in contaminant transport, coastal zone management, stream habitat restoration, water quality, rehabilitation, modelllling, field monitoring, and computational modeling are discussed. theme c : in many places in the world, groundwater is threatened either by excessive use or by contamination resulting from industrial activities, agricultural pratices and waste disposal methods. Over the last two ecades many researchers and practitioners have concentrated their efforts on addressing these issues. This proceedings brings together some of the results of these efforts. The papers cover six general topics : heterogenous aquifers, groungwater remediation and risk management, stochastic approaches to subsurface hydrology, drainage water re