Résumé :
Vol. 1 is a revision and synopsis of the pinnularia taxa of the temperate zone with some remarks to taxa from the tropics and a large number of new taxa. it contents : taxonomic concept of this flora, pinnularia ehrenberg, diagnoses and discussions, keys for the identification of the pinnularia taxa, latin descriptions. vol. 2 is a revision and synopsis of navicula sensu stricto, another 10 genera previously included in navicula sensu lato, and of frustulia. the synopsis covers the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, with emphasis on europe. vol. 3 is the third part of the cymbella synopsis, containing the taxa in the genus cymbella sensu stricto of the temperate zone, with many remarks on taxa from the topics and a large number of new taxa. vol. 4 contains description of taxa cymbopleura, delicata, navicymbula, gomphocymbellopsis, afrocymbella, latin descriptions and plates.