Titre :
Effect of emulsifiers on the body and texture of low fat ice cream
Auteurs :
R. Baer ;
M. Wolkow ;
K. Kasperson
Type de document :
Année de publication :
Format :
p. 3123-3132
= Anglais
Catégories :
Résumé :
Four emulsifiers at three levels each were evaluated in low fat ice creams (2% fat). Emulsifiers were a polysorbate 80 blend with monoglycerides and diglycerides, 40% alpha-monoglyceride, 70% alpha-monoglyceride, and lecithin. The lowest flavor scores were obtained for samples containing lecithin. Emulsifiers increased the consistency of viscosity of low fat ice cream mix and reduced whipping times and ice crystal sizes. Sensory scores for coarse and icy were related to ice crystal size. Emulsifiers also provided increased stability to heat shock. Higher levels of emulsifiers increased whipping ability, but only polysorbate 80 blend and 70% alpha-monoglyceride increased whipping ability above that of the control. All emulsifiers improved the body and texture of low fat ice cream.
Source :
Journal of Dairy Science, vol.80