Résumé :
Description: BOITE 1 : - Project flambeau... An investigation of Mass Fire (1964-1967), 3 volumes, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1969. - The modeling of fire whirlwinds, Forest Science USDA, volume 16, no 4, décembre 1970. - Thermal characteristics of pinyon pine and juniper fuels in experimental fires, US Forest Service, Riverside, 1967. - Physical fuel properties of ponderosa pine forest floors and cheatgrass, USDA Forest Service Research paper, 1970. - Fire behavour mechanisms in a red pine plantation : field and laboratory evidence, General paper prepared for the Congress of the international union of Forest Research Organizations, Munich, Germany, 1967. - Two keys for appraising forest fire fuels, USDA Forest Service, 1970. - Journal canadien de la recherche forestière, height of crown scorch in forest fires, 1973. - Inflammabilité et pouvoir thermique de la matière organique de certains types forestiers, Université de Laval, Québec, Canada, 1959. - Fuel evaluation for fire contrel and fire use, Research forester, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1969. - Physical characteristics of chamise as a wildland fuel, USDA Forest Service, 1970. BOITE 2 : - The contribution of flame radiation to fire spread in forests fire Research Station, 1965. - The moisture content of forest fuels : 1/ A review of basic concepts. 2/ Comparison of moisture content variations above the fibre saturation point between a number of fuel types. 3/ Moisture content variations of fast responding fuels the fibre saturation point, Forestry Fire Research Institute, Ontario. - Rough prediction of fire spread rates by fuel type, Petawawa Forest Experiment Station, Ontario, 1973. - Research paper, US Forest Service : 1/ Mecanisms of fire spread research, progress report, 1966. 2/ Fire spread characteristics determined in the laboratory, 1966. - Heat transfer and fire spread, USDA Forest Service, 1969. - A mathematical model for predicting fire spread in wildland fuels, USDA, Intermountain forest and Range Experiment Station, UTAH, 1972. - Calculations on forest fire spread flame radiation, prepared for a special paper for the sixth world forestry Congress, 1966. - Effective heating of fuel ahead of spreading fire, Intermountain forest and Range Experiment Station, UTAH, 1973. - Analysis of forest fire behaviour, Department of lands and forests, Ontario, 1967. - Fire behaviour in eucalypt forest, Commonwealth of Australia, 1967. - Forest fuel ignitibility, USDA Forest Service, UTAH, 1970. - Predicting fire spread in Arizona's oak chaparral, USDA Forest Service, Research paper, 1973. BOITE 3 : - Combustion and flame, the journal of the combustion institue, 1969. - The gaston fire. USDA Forest Service, Research paper, 1968. - The fire behaviour characteristics of the basin creek fire, Forest Research Institute, Canberra, 1970. - Fire behaviour characteristics of the longford fire, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1965. - Fire behaviour and associated meteorological and fuel conditions, Commonwealth of Australia, 1966. - Fire weather and fire behaviour at the 1968 canyon fire, USDA Forest Service, Research paper, California, 1969. - Califormia aflame ! State of California, Division of forestry, 1970. - Fire whirlwind formation over flat terain. USDA Forest Service, Research paper, 1971. - Fire behaviour in northern rocky mountain forest, USDA Forest Service, Research paper, Montana, 1951. - Intermediate fire behaviour, USDA Forest Service, 1972. - Auxtralian forest research, Commonwealth of Australia Forest Research Institue, 1971. - Reducing fire spread in wildland fuels, USDA Forest Service, Utah, 1975. - Field test of a rate of fire spread model in slash fuels, USDA Forest Service, Research paper, 1972. - Heat of combustion, heat yield, and fire behaviour, Petawawa forest experiment station, Ontarion, Canada, 1972. - The behaviour and application of fire in sugar cane in queensland, Australian Department of Agriculture, 1974. Dossier contenant les documents résultant du gros travail de bibliographies internationales entrepris par J. Claudot sur les feux de forêt dans les années 1970 à 1975. La plupart des documents contiennent des traductions manuscrites en français. Ce dossier a été mis en forme par R. Schiano.