Résumé :
Volume III covers soil testing in terms of effective stress,for which the measurement of pore water pressure is the essential feature.The principle and theory of effective stress are explained,practical applications are outlined and test apparatus,including its calibration,is described.The core of the book is devoted to "routine" consolidated-drained and consolidated-undrained triaxial test procedures for the determination of effective strength parameters.Other types of strength tests,and triaxial tests for the measurement of permeability,isotropic and anisotropic consolidation,and earth pressure characteristics,are included.Consolidation tests whith pore pressure measurement in the hydraulic consolidation cell(Rowe cell),and the advantages of using this apparatus,are described.Tests for the measurement of vertical and horizontal permeabilities are given.Throughout the book reference is made to electronic instrumentation and automatic data-logging facilities as well as to conventional manual methods of observation and recording.