Résumé :
This book is more than a simple revision of the first edition. there are new chapters on parameter estimation, life table response experiments, evolutionary demography, periodic models and comparison of matrix models. the chapters on sensitivity analysis, environmental stochasticity, and density dependence are rewritten and greatly expanded to reflect the tremendous development of theory and applications in those areas.this edition contains a new approach to modelling annual organisms in seasonal environments, a way to calculate the likelihood function for stage-classified mark-recapture data, a decomposition of the elasticities of population growth to survival , growth, and fertility, an extensive comparison of the perturbation analyses of deterministic, stochastic, linear, and nonlinear models, a calculation of population momentum for plant and animal populations, extensive applications of tuljapurkar's sensitivity analysis of the stochastic growth rate, formal argument analysis applied to population viability models. many examples and several familiar data sets (teasel, killer whales, desert tortoises) are included. the author argued for the potential of matrix models as a tool for population analysis.