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Auteur A. Young |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (3)

P. Wood ; P. Carruthers ; A. Young ; T. Thomas | 1990Dans le numéro spécial de la revue 4 articles traitent de l'agroforesterie. (1:The scope and potential of agroforestery. 2:The prospects for agroforestery: an EC perspective. 3:Agroforestery, environment and sustainnbility. 4:Agroforestery : doe[...]![]()
A. Young, Auteur ; David Boshier, Auteur ; T. Boyle, Editeur scientifique | Melbourne [AUS] : CSIRO PUBLISHING | 2000![]()
Biodiversity conservation is a global imperative especially in relation to forests, the most biologically diverse terrestrial ecosystems. Pressures on forest resources are severe and the need to provide a scientific basis for conservation-orient[...]